Lot No.1 Schedule A Item No. 1: All that piece and parcel of land measuring 86.50 cents, comprised in Survey Nos. 132/1 Patta bearing No. 84, situated at No.112 Attanthangal Village, Nallur Panchayat, Cholavaram Panchyat Union, Ponner Taluk, Tiruvallur District and Boundary North by: Remaining port of the land of Mr. M. B. Abdul Gabhar Sahib South by: Land in Survey No. 132/5 to Mr. Siddarth Surya East by: Land in Survey No. 132/3-A & 132/2-A and West by: 30 feet Path way Situated within the Sub Registration District of Red hills and Registration District of North Chennai, Item No 2: All that piece and parcel of land measuring 20 cents, comprised in Survey No. 132/3A.Patta bearing No. 93 situated at No.112, Attanthangal Village, Nallur Panchyat, Cholavaram Panchayat Union, Ponneri taluk, Tiruvallur District and Boundary North by: Land in S.No. 132/24 South by: Land in Survey No. 132/4A East by: Land in Survey No. 132/2-B. and West by: Land in Survey No. 132/1 Situated with the Sub Registration District of Red Hills and Registration District of North Chennai Item No. 3; All that piece and parcel of land measuring 11 cents comprised in Survey Nos. 132/4-A, Patta bearing No. 45 situated at No. 112, Attanthangal Village Nallur Panchyat, Cholavaram Panchyat Union, Ponneri Taluk, Tiruvallur District and Boundary North by: Land belongs to Mr. M.B.Abdul Gabhar Sahib South by: Land belongs Mr. M. B. Abdul Gabhar Sahib East by: Vacant land West by: Land belong Mr. M.B. Abul Gabhar Sahib Situated with the Sub Registration District of Red Hills and Registration District of North Chennai. Item No. 4: All that piece and parcel of land measuring 98 cents. Comprised in Survey Nos. 132/5, Patta bearing No.83. situated at No. 112, Attanthangal Vilage Nallur Panchyat, Cholavaram Panchyat Union, Ponneri Taluk, Tiruvallur District and Boundary North by: Land in Survey No. 132/1 to Mr. M.B Abdul Gabhar Sahib South by: Land in Survey No. 132/6-A to Mr. S. Parthasarathy East by: Land in Survey No. 132/2 to Mr. S. Parthasarathy West by: Alanadhi Village lands Situated with the Sub Registration District of Red Hills and Registration District of North Chennai. Item No. 5: Schedule A-All that piece and parcel of land measuring 51 cents of out of Acre 1.01 Cents comprised in Survey No. 132/8, Patta No. 107 in Attanthangal Village, Nallur Panchyat, Cholavram Panchyat Union, Ponnen Taluk Thiruvallur District bounded on the North by: Land bearing S. No. 132/9C South by: Tiruvallur Road East by: Eastern half of the land in Survey No 132/8 and West by: Landin 132/11A/1 and West by: Western Half of the Land in S. No. 132/8 Item No.6; All that piece Nallur Panchyat Union, Ponneri Taluk, Thiruvallur District and Boundary for Survey Survey No 132/7B Schedule B: All that piece and parcel of land measuring 50 cents of our Acre 1.01 cents comprised in Survey No. 132/8, Patta No. 107 in Atthangal Village, Nallur of Panchyat, Cholavram Panchyat Union, Ponneri Taluk, Thiruvallur District bounded on the North by: Land bearing S.No. 132/9c South by: Tiruvallur Road, East by: Land in S.No. and parcel of land measuring 58 cents comprised in Survey No. 132/9A and 132/9C, Patta bearing No. 73, Land measuring 25 cents comprised in Survey No. 132/9 A and land measuring 33 cents comprises in Survey No. 132/9C situated in No. 112, Atthangal Village. No. 132/BA North by: Land in Survey No. 132/4-A South by: Land in Survey No. 132/2-B East by: Land in Survey No. 132/2-B West by: Land in Survey No. 132/6A Boundary for Survey No. 132/9C North by: Land in Survey No. 132/2-B South by: Land belongs to Mis Chennai Mouriya Eloctroders Company Pvt Ltd East by: Path way comprised in S.No. 132/2-C and West by: Land comprised in Survey No. 130/2-B Situated within the Sub Registration District of Red Hills and Registration District of North Chennai. The above Item No.1 to 6 totally measuring 3.74% Acres together with building constructed thereon is situated within the Sub registration District of Red Hills and Registration District of North Chennai